inout swift

inout means that modifying the local variable will also modify the passed-in parameters. Without it, the passed-in parameters will remain the same value. Trying to think of reference type when you are using inout and value type without using it. For example: import READ MORE

ios tut files devslopes-ios11

004 hustle-mode-code-assets 02 Learn to Code With Swift 4 018 Optionals 019 Enums 021 Extensions 026 Protocols-Delegates 006 Polymorphism.playground 010 BoolsAndConditionalsAndComparisonOperators.playground 012 ArrayMiArray.playground 013 loops-dev.playground 04 Core iOS 11_ Auto Layout_ Segues_ and Professional Apps 048 dev-assets 049 dev-profile-source 050 READ MORE


pod ‘Alamofire’ pod ‘SwiftyJSON’ Alamofire Tutorial: Getting Started

iOS: How to achieve behavior like Android’s startActivityForResult     There are a couple ways, so mostly you do this yourself with various patterns. You can set up a navigation controller in the app delegate as follows: self.viewController = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@”RootViewController” bundle:nil]; self.navigationController = [[ UINavigationController READ MORE