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Month: April 2018
What is Code Coverage???
What is Code Coverage??? Code Coverage is a measurement of how many lines/blocks/arcs of your code are executed while the automated tests are running. Code coverage is collected by using a specialized tool to instrument the binaries to add tracing READ MORE
By lazy in Kotlin
lazy Initialization by lazy may be very useful when implementing read-only properties that perform lazy-initialization in Kotlin. by lazy { … } performs its initializer where the defined property is first used, not its declaration. How ‘by lazy’ works Now let’s revisit the code READ MORE
JobScheduler was introduced in Lollipop and its the most efficient way to perform background work, especially networking. It performs background work based on conditions, not on time. These conditions may be whether the device is connected to a network, READ MORE
inout swift
inout means that modifying the local variable will also modify the passed-in parameters. Without it, the passed-in parameters will remain the same value. Trying to think of reference type when you are using inout and value type without using it. For example: import READ MORE
ios tut files devslopes-ios11
004 hustle-mode-code-assets 02 Learn to Code With Swift 4 018 Optionals 019 Enums 021 Extensions 026 Protocols-Delegates 006 Polymorphism.playground 010 BoolsAndConditionalsAndComparisonOperators.playground 012 ArrayMiArray.playground 013 loops-dev.playground 04 Core iOS 11_ Auto Layout_ Segues_ and Professional Apps 048 dev-assets 049 dev-profile-source 050 READ MORE
pod ‘Alamofire’ pod ‘SwiftyJSON’ https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire Alamofire Tutorial: Getting Started https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/libraries/how-to-parse-json-using-swiftyjson
iOS: How to achieve behavior like Android’s startActivityForResult
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13013476/ios-how-to-achieve-behavior-like-androids-startactivityforresult There are a couple ways, so mostly you do this yourself with various patterns. You can set up a navigation controller in the app delegate as follows: self.viewController = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@”RootViewController” bundle:nil]; self.navigationController = [[ UINavigationController READ MORE
Compare Protocol in Swift vs Interface in Java
Essentially protocols are very similar to Java interfaces except for: Swift protocols can also specify properties that must be implemented (i.e. fields) Swift protocols need to deal with value/reference through the use of the mutating keyword (because protocols can be implemented by READ MORE
Swift is like Kotlin
http://nilhcem.com/swift-is-like-kotlin/ Swift is like Kotlin BASICS Hello World Swift print(“Hello, world!”) Kotlin println(“Hello, world!”) Variables And Constants Swift var myVariable = 42 myVariable = 50 let myConstant = 42 Kotlin var myVariable = 42 myVariable = 50 val myConstant = READ MORE