first find pid ps aux | grep “/usr/bin/kvm -id ID” and den kill it kill -9 PID
Category: linux
Proxmox Virtual Environment Windows 10 Windows 11 (Not working yet) Ubuntu 20.04 Kali Linux MacOS Loading..
Web Containerised linux desktop – Webtop
Thanks you Techno Tim. TADA!!! Success!!!
Hackintosh is Dead – This is the Future!
This is Marganaut, she just published a video and now I cannot wait for the next one. And for sure, the next video, will keep “busy” for many hours. Forget about Hackintosh built using OpenCore or Clover, it’s dead. There’s READ MORE
How to restart Jenkins manually?
To restart Jenkins manually, you can use either of the following commands (by entering their URL in a browser): (jenkins_url)/safeRestart – Allows all running jobs to complete. New jobs will remain in the queue to run after the restart is complete. READ MORE
line 3: fastlane: command not found
Install Fastlane
On Mac On Ubuntu You need to install the build tools needed: If you have an error during installation, try the following success
Add macOS agent to Jenkins
Allow ssh at your mac like so Install java at your mac Thes add a new node at Jenkins And configure a job to use a specific agent
Jenkins change language
Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins select Available, and filter Locale and then install without a restart. Once success installation. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure system and search for Locale. Add your preferred language and whether to override for all READ MORE
Install Jenkins on Debian/Ubuntu
Debian/Ubuntu On Debian and Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu you can install Jenkins through apt. 6 java -version 297 systemctl status jenkins 298 systemctl enable jenkins 299 sudo systemctl enable jenkins 300 systemctl status jenkins 301 systemctl restart jenkins 302 sudo READ MORE