Drag and drop your Mixpanel events https://mixpanelreader.nickagas.com/#/ Export all yours events
Category: Flutter
GlobAdv mobile app
Features: Fall detects Notify contacts Emergency button GPS position Route tracking Offline maps Want the GlobAdv app? Add your email to get notified when app is released Subscribe Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
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Skroutz points locator flutter web app
Sample app https://skroutzpoints.nickagas.com Github Repo https://github.com/shadowmanpat/skroutz_points_server
100 prisoners problem flutter running tests
GitHub Code https://github.com/shadowmanpat/HundredPrisonersProblem Web Demo https://hundredprisoners.nickagas.com/#/ Run tests The 100 prisoners problem is a mathematical problem in probability theory and combinatorics. In this problem, 100 numbered prisoners must find their own numbers in one of 100 drawers in order to survive. The rules state that each prisoner may READ MORE
Tflite Flutter Cat/Dog detection
libraries Download training datasets from kaggle Train your model at Teachable Machine https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/train/image Import the exported tflite model and labels to your flutter project, load them and start using them. https://github.com/shadowmanpat/artificial_flutter
iNewsgr Mobile App built with Flutter
Scrapping iNewgr https://www.inewsgr.com/. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fftsoft.newsapp Click below to download iOS Version through Firebase App Distribution https://appdistribution.firebase.dev/i/236032e6856b9e6f
Flutter Nagas Blog app on App Store, Play Store, and Web!!!
Site nickagas.com made with WordPress converted to a mobile app with Flutter. First upload Nagas blog, made with Flutter. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nickagas.blog https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nagas-blog/id1516167568 Nagas Blog on Web?? Why not?? https://fftsoft.com/nagas_blog/
xmlhttprequest error flutter web
Trying every possible solution in .htaccess didn’t help in my case. So if anyone else is on the same page here is a solution that worked for me. put this code in the index.php file and it will work like READ MORE
Flutter and AppTree
AppTree is one of software companies that has moved all of its code to Dart. Android, IOS with flutter and Web. Why? For code sharing and reusing same components accomplishing 70% faster code production. They are doing amazing job. READ MORE