Very Important Notice for WordPress/Zotabox Facebook Live Chat Users Dear WordPress/Zotabox Facebook Live Chat User, WordPress informed us today of a vulnerability on our Facebook Live Chat plugin that can be exploited by others to add unexpected script to your READ MORE
Month: May 2019
Jenkins for Android

Jenkins Build great things at any scale The leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.DocumentationDownload Download and run Jenkins Download Jenkins. Open up a terminal in the download directory. READ MORE
AngularJS project
AngularJS for Beginners, Single-Page Applications Made Easy In this course, you will learn how to use Angular.js from scratch so that you can create more user-friendly web applications, Single Page Applications (SPA), and interactive websites. This course READ MORE
ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΕΛΑΣ Πρώην ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΑΡΧΗΣ ΑΝΤΙ ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΥ Ο συγγραφέας των ιστορικών βιβλίων για την αρχαία Δύμη και τη σημερινή Κάτω Αχαΐα και για τις λοιπές περιοχές του Δήμου Δύμης του Νομού Αχαΐας ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΕΛΑΣ, γεννήθηκα το 1932 στα Αγιοβλασίτικα Δύμης, γιος του READ MORE