100 prisoners problem flutter running tests

GitHub Code https://github.com/shadowmanpat/HundredPrisonersProblem Web Demo https://hundredprisoners.nickagas.com/#/ Run tests The 100 prisoners problem is a mathematical problem in probability theory and combinatorics. In this problem, 100 numbered prisoners must find their own numbers in one of 100 drawers in order to survive. The rules state that each prisoner may READ MORE

Vue 3 The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue

[vue/valid-template-root]The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64867504/vue-3-the-template-root-requires-exactly-one-element-eslint-plugin-vue I ended up turning off Vetur linting. Vetur thinks that it is a Vue 2 project becuase it is in a VS Code workspace. https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/issues/2299#issuecomment-696015374 You can solve this by doing paste