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Category: web
100 prisoners problem flutter running tests
GitHub Code Web Demo Run tests The 100 prisoners problem is a mathematical problem in probability theory and combinatorics. In this problem, 100 numbered prisoners must find their own numbers in one of 100 drawers in order to survive. The rules state that each prisoner may READ MORE
Proxmox Virtual Environment Windows 10 Windows 11 (Not working yet) Ubuntu 20.04 Kali Linux MacOS Loading..
Web Containerised linux desktop – Webtop
Thanks you Techno Tim. TADA!!! Success!!!
Hackintosh is Dead – This is the Future!
This is Marganaut, she just published a video and now I cannot wait for the next one. And for sure, the next video, will keep “busy” for many hours. Forget about Hackintosh built using OpenCore or Clover, it’s dead. There’s READ MORE
Sep 9, 1947: World’s First Computer Bug Ever
Computer Bug “First actual case of bug being found,” according to the brainiacs at Harvard, 1945. The engineers who found the moth were the first to literally “debug” a machine. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER, DAHLGREN, VIRGINIA
Vue 3 The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue
[vue/valid-template-root]The template root requires exactly one element.eslint-plugin-vue I ended up turning off Vetur linting. Vetur thinks that it is a Vue 2 project becuase it is in a VS Code workspace. You can solve this by doing paste
Twitter Bot Python
While we are in a carantine and Saturday nights are fullfilled with entertaiments like song contests, I had to be Entertained. This is bot is written in Python. It’s main focus is to Tweet repeatedly different tweets in order to READ MORE
How to restart Jenkins manually?
To restart Jenkins manually, you can use either of the following commands (by entering their URL in a browser): (jenkins_url)/safeRestart – Allows all running jobs to complete. New jobs will remain in the queue to run after the restart is complete. READ MORE
Flutter Nagas Blog app on App Store, Play Store, and Web!!!
Site made with WordPress converted to a mobile app with Flutter. First upload Nagas blog, made with Flutter. Nagas Blog on Web?? Why not??