Select Merged Manifest Merging Errors: Warning Element meta-data#com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId at AndroidManifest.xml:212:9-214:55 duplicated with element declared at AndroidManifest.xml:151:9-154:55 app main manifest (this file), line 211 Error: Attribute meta-data#com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId@value value=(@string/facebook_app_id) from AndroidManifest.xml:154:13-52 is also present at AndroidManifest.xml:21:13-60 value=(@string/facebook_application_id). Suggestion: add ‘tools:replace=”android:value”‘ to READ MORE
Month: June 2018
EasyPrefs, shared preferences library
EasyPrefs A small library containing a wrapper/helper for the shared preferences of Android. With this library you can initialize the shared preference inside the onCreate of the Application class of your app. Java: public class PrefsApplication extends Application { @Override READ MORE
How do I checkout an old git commit in Android Studio?
If you want to checkout commit using Android Studio (or other IntelliJ IDEA based IDE) just go toVersion Control view (alt+9) and click the Log tab. Type your commit hash in Filter input, right-click on the commit entry and click the Checkout Revision option. What’s more, if READ MORE
How can I share an Android Studio project
First off all you need to make a copy of your project (you don’t want to be modifying your own current workspace copy) to share. Remove redundant files Ensure that you can view hidden files and remove the following directories READ MORE
Fossil fuel-free and car-free cities — utopia or the future?
Fossil fuel-free and car-free cities — utopia or the future? Jennifer Lenhart PhD, WWF Clean air and clean water are the main things citizens want for their health and wellbeing as residents in a sustainable city, according to a recent global READ MORE
InputConnection.finishComposingText() NullPointerException
InputConnection.finishComposingText() NullPointerException As mentioned here, this can happen because of the Android Advanced Profiling tool. Disable it from the Run/Debug Configurations dialog:
iOS Release Pipeline and Refactoring AVAudio in Swift
1) iOS Release Pipeline (Markos Charatzas) Description: A real world example of a distributed, in-house, release pipeline using Jenkins in an enterprise workspace. Get an inside look on how a basic Jenkins installation to automate building, testing and releasing an READ MORE
INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device
INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device Steps for MIUI 9 and Above: Settings -> Additional Settings -> Developer options -> Turn off “MIUI optimization” and Restart Turn On “USB Debugging” Turn On “Install via USB” Set USB Configuration READ MORE
Forwarding Ports to a Virtual Machine
Forwarding Ports to a Virtual Machine If you prefer to use NAT network mode for some reason, you can also forward ports through the virtual machine’s NAT. Note that only one of these steps is necessary – you don’t have READ MORE
Start VirtualBox and VM in windows boot

Start VirtualBox and VM in windows boot 4down voteaccepted I have an example of how to autostart a VirtualBox VM during Windows startup. I’m running Windows 10, but it shouldn’t be much different on Windows Server 2016. The startup READ MORE