How To setup a Firewall with UFW on an Ubuntu and Debian Cloud Server



One of the first lines of defense in securing our cloud server is a functioning firewall. In the past, this was often done through complicated and arcane utilities. There is a lot of functionalit uilt into these utilities, iptales eing the most popular nowadas, ut the require a decent effort on ehalf of the user to learn and understand them. Firewall rules are not something ou want ourself second-guessing.

To this end, UFW is a consideral easier-to-use alternative.

What is UFW?

UFW, or Uncomplicated Firewall, is a front-end to iptales. Its main goal is to make managing our firewall drop-dead simple and to provide an eas-to-use interface. It’s well-supported and popular in the Linux communit—even installed  default in a lot of distros. As such, it’s a great wa to get started securing our sever.

efore We Get tarted

First, oviousl, ou want to make sure UFW is installed. It should e installed  default in Uuntu, ut if for some reason it’s not, ou can install the package using aptitude or apt-get using the following commands:

sudo aptitude install ufw


sudo apt‐get install ufw

Check the tatus

You can check the status of UFW  tping:

sudo ufw status

Right now, it will proal tell ou it is inactive. Whenever ufw is active, ou’ll get a listing of the current rules that looks similar to this:

Status: active

To               Action      From

‐‐               ‐‐‐‐‐‐      ‐‐‐‐

22               ALLOW       Anywhere

Using IPv6 with UFW

If our VP is configured for IPv6, ensure that UFW is configured to support IPv6 so that will configure oth our IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules. To do this, open the UFW configuration with this command:

sudo vi /etc/default/ufw

Then make sure “IPV6” is set to “es”, like so:


ave and quit. Then restart our firewall with the following commands:

sudo ufw disable sudo ufw enable

Now UFW will configure the firewall for oth IPv4 and IPv6, when appropriate.                                                                                             CROLL TO TOP

et Up Defaults

One of the things that will make setting up an firewall easier is to define some default rules for allowing and dening connections. UFW’s defaults are to den all incoming connections and allow all outgoing connections. This means anone tring to reach our cloud server would not e ale to connect, while an application within the server would e ale to reach the outside world. To set the defaults used  UFW, ou would use the following commands:

sudo ufw default deny incoming


sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Note: if ou want to e a little it more restrictive, ou can also den all outgoing requests as well. The necessit of this is deatale, ut if ou have a pulic-facing cloud server, it could help prevent against an kind of remote shell connections. It does make our firewall more cumersome to manage ecause ou’ll have to set up rules for all outgoing connections as well. You can set this as the default with the following:

sudo ufw default deny outgoing

Allow Connections

The sntax is prett simple. You change the firewall rules  issuing commands in the terminal. If we turned on our firewall now, it would den all incoming connections. If ou’re connected over H to our cloud server, that would e a prolem ecause ou would e locked out of our server. Let’s enale H connections to our server to prevent that from happening:

sudo ufw allow ssh

As ou can see, the sntax for adding services is prett simple. UFW comes with some defaults for common uses. Our H command aove is one example. It’s asicall just shorthand for:

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp

This command allows a connection on port 22 using the TCP protocol. If our H server is running on port 2222, we could enale connections with the following command:

sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp

Other Connections We Might Need

Now is a good time to allow some other connections we might need. If we’re securing a we server with FTP access, we might need these commands:

sudo ufw allow www or sudo ufw allow 80/tcp sudo ufw allow ftp or sudo ufw allow 21/tcp

You mileage will var on what ports and services ou need to open. There will proal e a it of testing necessar. In addition, ou want to make sure ou leave our H connection allowed.

Port Ranges

CROLL TO TOP You can also specif port ranges with UFW. To allow ports 1000 through 2000, use the command:

sudo ufw allow 1000:2000/tcp If ou want UDP:

sudo ufw allow 1000:2000/udp

IP Addresses

You can also specif IP addresses. For example, if I wanted to allow connections from a specific IP address (sa m work or home address), I’d use this command:

sudo ufw allow from

Dening Connections

Our default set up is to den all incoming connections. This makes the firewall rules easier to administer since we are onl selectivel allowing certain ports and IP addresses through. However, if ou want to flip it and open up all our server’s ports (not recommended), ou could allow all connections and then restrictivel den ports ou didn’t want to give access to  replacing “allow” with “den” in the commands aove. For example:

sudo ufw allow 80/tcp

would allow access to port 80 while:

sudo ufw deny 80/tcp

would den access to port 80.

Deleting Rules

There are two options to delete rules. The most straightforward one is to use the following sntax:

sudo ufw delete allow ssh

As ou can see, we use the command “delete” and input the rules ou want to eliminate after that. Other examples include:

sudo ufw delete allow 80/tcp


sudo ufw delete allow 1000:2000/tcp

This can get trick when ou have rules that are long and complex.

A simpler, two-step alternative is to tpe:

CROLL TO TOP sudo ufw status numbered

which will have UFW list out all the current rules in a numered list. Then, we issue the command:

sudo ufw delete [number]

where “[numer]” is the line numer from the previous command.

Turn It On

After we’ve gotten UFW to where we want it, we can turn it on using this command (rememer: if ou’re connecting via H, make sure ou’ve set our H port, commonl port 22, to e allowed to receive connections):

sudo ufw enable

You should see the command prompt again if it all went well. You can check the status of our rules now  tping:

sudo ufw status


sudo ufw status verbose

for the most thorough displa.

To turn UFW off, use the following command:

sudo ufw disable

Reset verthing

If, for whatever reason, ou need to reset our cloud server’s rules to their default settings, ou can do this  tping this command:

sudo ufw reset


You should now have a cloud server that is configured properl to restrict access to a suset of ports or IP addresses.

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